So that's what I was doing in the fast lane when suddenly my car started shaking as though I was driving on rubble. I tried changing to a non-rubbly lane but my car still shook like the '89 world series. It finally dawned on me that the problem might not be the road, so I pulled onto the shoulder as wisps of smoke drew my attention to the few remaining shreds of tire that had once protected my rear left wheel.
I smoothly finished the phone call I was on, yielding no hint of a problem and steeling myself to change the tire as traffic whizzed by. But just as I said my goodbye, a shining white tow truck pulled up behind me. At first I thought I was in for a negotiation. I certainly didn't need a tow, but perhaps I could enlist some assistance...
The good Samaritan accepted my thanks, but refused to accept a gratuity. I couldn't have been more impressed by the whole experience. It was yet another wonderful day in California, as glorious as my first nearly 20 years ago. Maybe this year I really will file those state tax returns!
Blogged with Flock
It's a really surprising service that is extra helpful when you end up on the left-hand shoulder in the middle of the night for a change. The guy even rearranged my flares for optimal placement and said soothing things to me about the law regarding left-hand pullovers during emergencies.